There Are No Educators

As a thinker, one should only think of self-education.  The education of youth by others is either an experiment, conducted on one yet unknown and unknowable, or a leveling on principle, to make the new character, whatever it may be, conform to the habits and cutoms that prevail: in both cases, therefore, something unworthy of the thinker – the work of parents and teachers, whom an audaciously honest person has called nos ennemis naturels.

One day, when in the opinion of the world one has long been educated, one discovers onself: that is where the task of the thinker begins; now the time has come to invoke his aid – not as an educator but as one who has educated himself and thus has experience.

Friedrich Nietzsche
from The Wanderer And His Shadow

Simple Pleasures

Simple pleasures in life make the big difference.  Take, for example, my first bike ride with my son last night around our little town.  It was good exercise, we enjoyed the ride & the weather was perfect.  We saw a few of our neighbours along the way.  We spotted some amazing wild animals (including a bald eagle pearched atop a birch tree overlooking the small waterfall located down the road from our house).  And it is a memory we can cherish forever.

So take the time to slow down, do something you like to do with a friend or a loved one.  Enjoy the moments – the simplicity of life at a particular time.  And cherish the memories it creates.

Tell me about some of your own simple pleasures in life.  Leave me a comment below & let me know how you enjoy those simpler times & the memories you’ve created.  Until next time…

The Journey: First Steps

I am currently about half way through writing a short little book entittled “The Journey” that I hope to publish in order to get this project going.   I want this book to be short, to the point & work as a first step to get Individuals interested in a community whose sole goal & raison-d’être is to help everyone lead an happier & more fulfilled life.  It is the first step to achieving this goal.

Continue reading

Summer Fading…

The night comes upon us sooner.  The air is a little cooler.  And only memories of a summer past will remain with us until the next summer season.

It has been a great summer.  One to remember.  But as always time has gone by too quickly.  There was so much more I needed to accomplish.  But alas, time stops for no mortal & simply continues its seemingly boundless march forward.  All we can do is hold onto the memories of times past & live the utmost in the present moment.

The present moment.

That most important moment in every Individual’s life.  There is that old saying: “No time like the present”  Of course there is also that old latin phrase: carpe diem – seize the day.  It is what I must do.  It is what we all must do.  It is how we enjoy life to its fullest.

Then there are no regrets for times past & only hopes for times future.  This moment right now is all we have.  Seize it.

Tell me about your experiences living in the moment.  Share with us how seizing your day gave you a sense of happiness & completeness.  Please feel free to use the comment form below.  Until next time…


At bottom every man knows well enough that he is a unique being, only once on this earth; and by no extraordinary chance will such a marvelously picturesque piece of diversity in unity as he is, ever be put together a second time.
Friedrich Nietzsche
The uniqueness of our own Individuality.  It is something to be celebrated.  Something that gives life on this plane of existence meaning.  If we were all the same, would existence not be dull? Continue reading