
“In individuals, insanity is rare; but in groups, parties, nations, and epochs it is the rule.”

from: Beyond Good And Evil
Friedrich Nietzsche

Sometimes I look out into the world, observing all there is to see & experience.  I often wonder, does sanity even truly exist?  Or is it simply an illusion manifesting out of a psychologist’s hopes?

The Journey: A Beginning

Photo c/o t3rmin4t0r via Flickr

Photo c/o t3rmin4t0r via Flickr


I just need to start writing…

That is what I told myself this morning after thinking about the many different possible ways to go about this project. So here I go.

Continue reading

The Never Ending Journey…

        Behind every Door is a possibility.


        Behind every Fear is a crutch.


        Behind every Spirit is a desire.


      Behind every Choice is a reason.

    Five more to face.

    Five more to bear.

    Five more to suffer.

    Yet we must acknowledge that there is Suffering & move on…

    Four times ten plus three times two & an extra two…



    Illusions upon a stone wall…

    I see this.

    Yet I Choose to accept their Validity.
    I give them Authority over me.
    Yet I still have my Will to Power…

    Fresh air & grasslands await me.

    I will return Home.
    I will be where I am meant to be at the moment I am meant to be.

    I just need to take that next step…

    The Journey never ends. Every new corner simply opens up more possibilities.

    Blessed Be.

    Sensing Descartes…

    philosophyposters5 - JPEG

    Yet Monty Python said that he: “…was a drunken old fart”  Still, he had a lot of good ideas & is considered the father of modern philosophy.

    So, do you completely trust your senses & the information they relay to you every single moment of your waking life?  Let me know your thoughts in the comment section below.  Tell me any of your experiences when your senses have deceived you.

    An Ancient Allegory About Enlightenment…

    Over 2000 years ago, Plato described reality in terms of an Allegory.  He was keenly aware of how much of what we Believe is simply illusions we Choose to accept.  This wonderful animation perfectly presents his Allegory Of The Cave.

    Are there any other Allegories or Parables that have helped you understand life?  If so, I want to hear about them.  Tell me what stories inspired you to look at the world differently.

    A Technical Introduction To Epistemology

    Hey everyone,

    Welcome to the first post on Sacred Knowledge!

    Epistemology, or the Study of The Theory of Knowledge, is a very important field of Philosophy.  It asks the questions: How do we know that something is True? How do we Justify the things we think? And, what is the source of Knowledge?

    Check out the Stanford Encyclopedia Of Philosophy’s Introduction To Epistemology Page for an overview of the subject.  Now, just a little warning: this is a rather technical rendering.  Anyone unfamiliar with philosophical jargon might get lost real quick.  But fear not, I’ll be posting a more user-friendly introduction to the important subject in the not too distant future, so stay tuned!